David Fassbender’s research focuses on novel energy-efficient powertrain architecture for implements and optimized power management. He started in MORE back in Spring 2020 as the first of the eight Early Stage Researchers working in MORE at Tampere University in Finland and has since moved to Germany to carry on his research at Bosch Rexroth AG. Watch his project pitch to get a better understanding of his role within MORE.
Early Stage Researcher’s pitch their projects
During the MORE kick-off meeting held online, 14.-16- September 2020 the MORE Early Stage Researchers all prepared a pitch to introduce their individual projects within MORE to the network. To make these available to interested individuals from outside of the consortium the eight Early Stage Researchers have recorded their project pitches to create a series of short project pitches.
The short introductory videos are an effective way to convey the highly complex content of the Early Stage Researcher’s projects to everyone interested in the project. The videos will be published over the course of the next weeks. Follow us on LinkedIn or subscribe to our YouTube channel to receive updates on the project pitches and MORE.